My 2024 Growth Word

I have a yearly tradition that I’ve been doing since 2019.

Although I’ve tried to find it, I can’t remember where I first heard of this tradition, so unfortunately, I can’t give proper credit. But just know that this idea definitely didn’t originate with me. Lots of people do it every year, and maybe you do it too.

It’s the process of picking a yearly growth word.

I’m not a huge fan of making New Year’s resolutions, so this is my alternative. And I find that even before the year starts, the process of picking my word is very helpful for me.

Before the start of the new year, I pray about it, and do lots of studying, thinking, and reflecting. I contemplate my past year, and look ahead to the next one, and try to focus on an area of myself that I’ve noticed could use attention and growth.

Some years I make lists, other years one word just pops into my head and obviously fits.

In the end, no matter what, I don’t choose a growth word for the year until I’m sure that it’s the one God is leading me to choose.

My words for the last few years have included love, trust, courage, balance, and peace.

This year, I’ve chosen discipline.

This word came to mind back in November, when I first started thinking about what my 2024 word might be. I wasn’t sure right away if it was the right one, or if it was just one good option, but the more thinking and praying I did, the more it clicked.

At first, focusing on discipline this year makes it sound like I’m going to be super rigid with my goals, schedule, and habits. Maybe I’ll be really strict with my meals, activity, work, etc. And that’s part of it. I do want to get better about my consistency, both in home things (like cleaning and projects), work of all kinds, my health, and with my writing.

I have so many things I want to do, and should do, and the truth is that when I’m left to my own devices, I’m very good at procrastinating. I can always find a reason that I shouldn’t work on something right now. I’ll do it later. But later rarely ever comes, and then I feel even worse for putting off that task.

My health isn’t as good as it could be, and some of that I can’t change. But there are definitely things I could be doing to improve it. Things like making sure I get enough sleep, developing healthy ways to relieve and manage stress, cutting out sugar, and being active for at least a few minutes every day.

My writing isn’t going to take off if I don’t actually sit down and write, and my online presence isn’t going to grow if I don’t take time to actively cultivate it and show up consistently. Merely dreaming won’t lead to all of the progress that I want to make. I need to actually form habits and stick to them.

My relationship with my husband won’t continue to flourish if we don’t intentionally put in the effort to love, care for, and respect one another each and every day. And our house won’t continue to be a home in good condition if we don’t take the time to do the projects and upkeep it. That takes work and plans.

And of course, my relationship with God won’t remain strong if I don’t continually meet with Him, seek to understand His will for my life, and put Him first. The more that I know Him, the more I trust Him, and the more that I can feel peace in my life, in all its many facets. Rather than squeezing in time with Him in my “spare moments” (which really never exist), I need to always put Him first and foremost.

Speaking of peace, that’s the other side of this equation. While I am definitely trying to focus on integrating more discipline into my life, I know that I need to be careful with this. Because as much as I do tend to procrastinate, I’m also always busy. I feel guilty resting, I feel like everything I do should be productive, and that if I have hobbies, they should be ‘useful’ hobbies. It’s a strange mix.

So part of being disciplined for me, also means knowing when I need to slow down. Holding myself to it. Being accountable to myself, to God, and to my husband, and following through when I need to change up my schedule for a season of my life so that I can do what my body and mind require.

Overall, it means having peace and accepting what God leads me to, while also having the discipline to follow through and do the best that I possibly can with that.

If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you’ll know I’ve documented most of my previous growth words, and I always do a little recap on what God taught me about my specific word that year.

My word for 2023 was peace. I learned so much about having and choosing God’s peace over anxiety about uncertain situations, and this year is meant to build off of that. To take what I learned and figure out how to balance the calm peace with the hardworking discipline.

I’m honestly really looking forward to it. It’s extremely difficult, and already this year, there have been challenges. But as is the case every single year, God comes through and works in my heart and mind to help me understand the concept. To show me how to apply it to my life on a regular basis.

During my focus on peace last year, I had some of the most crazy, hectic, and stressful situations of my life so far. Definitely not the worst situations of my life, as they were wonderful blessings – like a wedding, moving twice, and buying our first house – but they involved a lot of huge decisions, tiny details, and stress. There were hang-ups, last-minute changes, delays, errors, and scary situations.

Learning how to have peace and trust that God was going to continue working everything out wasn’t easy, but the more I practice, the easier it’s become, and the more at ease I’ve felt in each situation. I know we’ve had it pretty easy so far, comparatively, and I know how important peace is, so I want to keep working at it. I want to really solidify my heart’s surety that I can have peace knowing God’s in control.

Peace and discipline walk hand in hand. I need to have peace with the path I can tell God’s leading me down, discipline to walk along it every day and make wise choices, and more peace to leave what I can’t control up to Him, trusting that He will work it all out for the ultimate good.

That’s why discipline is my growth word for 2024. It’s a continuation and a building off of what I learned last year. It’s a huge opportunity for me to become a better person. And I’m really looking forward to it.

Do you ever choose growth words, or set resolutions for the new year? We’re already in the second month of 2024, so if so, how have they been going for you? What can I pray for you about?

I’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Later on, however, it produces a
harvest of righteousness and peace
for those who have been trained by it.
(Hebrews 12:11 NIV)

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4 thoughts on “My 2024 Growth Word

  1. Wow, that’s crazy… discipline is the one I’ve chosen for myself! I didn’t start the year out with a growth word and I’ve never done one before, but I realized a few weeks into the year that I’m not disciplined at all. My days have become a one activity day, which means that I’ve barely been writing or practicing piano in a push to get my school done. And I’ve noticed that my sleep schedule is crazy because I can’t convince myself to go to bed. XD Now that my family’s moving in the next month or so, I need extra discipline to prepare for that and get school and piano and writing done, lol.

    1. haha, I completely relate to having one activity days! That can be so difficult to figure out. I’m praying you receive some extra motivation and discipline so you can get everything done that you need to <33

  2. My mom chose that word for us in 2021! I’ve found it’s a great way to start the year by just praying for it. Exactly! That balance found in Jesus is so precious and I wish it was more common!<3

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