“Collector: Phoenix Edition” Launch Day (+ Interview With the Author)!

Hello and happy Wednesday!

If you were here last week, you got to celebrate the brand new cover of Collector: Phoenix Edition by Elizabeth Mae Wolfram with me! Here’s that beautiful cover again, if you need a refresher.

And today is launch day! Collector has officially released with its brand new cover, and you can now find it on Amazon (in e-book, paperback, and case-laminate hardcover formats), and Barnes & Noble (in paperback – and dust-jacketed hardcover coming soon – formats). Click the names for links!

Let’s take a look at the story itself!

The Story Blurb

What is One Person Against The Dangerous Traditions that Refuse to Die?

Fueled by the deaths of those killed in the recent Valence Fires, seventeen-year-old Haylen Alter ignores her parents’ objections and joins the Guardians of Civilian Affairs agency. There, interning as a Collector, she is trained to hunt the elusive terrorists that have polluted her country since its very inception… and destroy all remnants of their existence.

But every new assignment unravels a painful truth. Now intrigued by the entries of a terrorist’s journal, she realizes there is more to the GCA’s mission than they dare let on… and more to her father’s past than he’s willing to tell. Suddenly, Haylen finds herself walking a thin line between becoming a Collector and becoming the enemy she vowed to fight. As her beliefs crumble and her allegiance is tested, one burning question remains:

Could One Person Truly Change It All?

I’m so excited to share that we get to do a special interview with the author herself today! I’ve been blessed to get to know Elizabeth over the past few months (she was a large part of Cabin Girl‘s release as well), and let me tell you guys, she is talented! She has a million and one projects going on right now, all powerful and exciting, and her work is to be admired. Collector is a gem of a novel, and I’m thrilled for you all to meet the author behind the story. Let’s jump into it!

Interview With the Author

Bella: Hi, Elizabeth! Thank you so much for being here today, and congratulations on the release of your book, Collector: Phoenix Edition! I’m so excited for you! First, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Elizabeth: Yes! My name is Elizabeth Mae Wolfram. I live in the beautiful Ozark Mountains with my amazing family and seven (yes, seven) pets! I am a young author who is passionate about creating stories that don’t shy away from difficult subjects while remaining clean and God-honoring. I am the author of a NA Christian dystopian, Collector; a children’s book, By Day & Night, that I wrote with my mom; and I am the co-owner/head formatter of our Christian publishing company, DHK Creations & Publications, LLC. Long story short, I wear a lot of hats – all of which have to do with writing or books. Thank you so much for having me on your blog! It is such an honor.

Bella: Wow, you sound like you stay very busy! When did you start writing? Was it love at first paragraph, or did it take you a while to discover your fondness for writing stories?

Elizabeth: I’ve actually been writing since I was about six. I would take those handwriting manuscript pads for pre-k/kindergarteners, write stories in them, and draw pictures in the margins. Then, I would take them to Sunday School where the teachers would read them aloud for the class. That’s where my love of words began. For years, I wrote everything from songs to poems, to random, rhymeless verses about anything and everything, but I didn’t think about writing a book until I was around 13 years of age. Life took a very unexpected turn, and things got hard, so I turned to reading and writing as a way to escape. In that refuge, I fell in love with storytelling, and I haven’t stopped writing novels since.

Bella: I absolutely love how unique your novel’s premise is. What inspired the story of Collector? Do you remember when you first thought of it?

Elizabeth: Thank you! Yeah, Collector was inspired by a book called, Jesus Freaks by DC Talk and Voice of the Martyrs. It was most definitely God’s leading that I even found it! I was walking in a used movie store and they happened to have a small book section. Of course, I went to browse because, you know, books! And in there, I found this copy of Jesus Freaks signed by TobyMac himself. He was an artist I listened to as a kid, so of course I had to get it! It is still one of my most precious belongings. 

Little did I know that this random book would spark something in me. Jesus Freaks was a collection of stories about martyrs and those persecuted for their faith. I had learned a little about martyrdom in history books, but it was different to actually hear their individual stories and learn the details, learn what they said, what they were told, and what they went through. I felt like Christian persecution is something that is not talked about, even though it continues to this day in various countries around the world. So I knew I had to write about Christian persecution in a modern setting that could really challenge the quality of one’s faith in a world where so many Christians don’t understand what it really means to live – and die – for Christ. 

Long story short, I wrote the “first version” of Collector for about two years before I finally worked up the courage to tell my dad about it while we were driving in a U-Haul, moving from one state to the other. We got to talking, and he helped me come up with a plot that was so much deeper than the one I had. I had been writing the typical dystopian: oppressed character vs big government. But my dad asked the question: what if your main character isn’t the oppressed, but the oppressor? What if she has no reason to change, but changes anyway because Jesus is that powerful? We got to our new home, I told my mom about it because she was driving our personal vehicle at the time, and sat on my mattress on the floor in my new room. We hadn’t even put my bed together, yet, but I didn’t care. I was ready to write. I deleted my original novel which, looking back on it, was not the best idea! And I completely started over. And it took now five years from that time to complete Collector.

Bella: That’s such a powerful story. And you talk about the main character there. Is there one character in Collector that you relate to more than the rest? If so, in what ways?

Elizabeth: Yes, there is! As I mentioned above, I started writing when I was going through a very difficult time in my life, and Collector was being made while I was still going through all of that. So I unknowingly projected a lot of my fears, struggles, and emotions into the main character, Haylen Alter. There are elements of my story and hers that are similar, which was a little bit of a surprise to me because have a character in Book II whom I thought I would relate to the most. But I recently realized how much Haylen’s journey reflected a little bit of my own, and it makes her that much more special to me. She’s become such a huge part of my life – even though she’s just a character. 

Bella: I completely understand that! What would you say are the main themes in Collector

Elizabeth: Ooh, this is a great question! There are so many themes and lessons woven into Collector, some more subtle than others, and some that won’t be complete until Book II. But, the main ones would be:

  • Faith Despite Persecution 
  • Salvation
  • Standing Up For What’s Right Even If You’re Standing Alone
  • Trusting God When He’s Silent
  • Obeying God When It’s Hard

Even though the events in Collector might not be what most people experience, the lessons are still very applicable to real life and our relationship with God, and my prayer is that God will use my book to teach someone the lesson He wants them to learn.  

Bella: I love when books use fictional settings and events to teach very real truths, so that sounds wonderful. Who was Collector primarily written for? Is there a target audience you think will enjoy the story most?

Elizabeth: Collector was primarily written for older teens/new adults. It started out YA, but as I grew up, it grew up with me. Now, it definitely contains some heavier subjects that might not be appropriate for younger readers. It is clean, however, as far as spice or that kind of content goes. New Adults interested in social studies/sciences, humanitarians, Christians wanting to grow their faith, lovers of mystery and/or dystopian – I think they’ll all enjoy Collector!

Bella: Awesome! Did you have a favorite scene to write in Collector? Why? (No spoilers, please!)

Elizabeth: Oh goodness… how to choose! I loved writing all the scenes for different reasons. They all had their purpose, so it’s going to be difficult to decide just one…Okay, I’ve got it! I think one of my favorites was when Haylen found what she was looking for on her first assignment. Not only was the build-up super fun to write but knowing how catalytic that moment would be for the story made me smile as I wrote it. I was just so excited. Plus, that was the scene I had dreamed of writing for years, and couldn’t believe I was finally there. So yeah… I think that one is probably my favorite. It’s in Chapter Eight! (In case anyone is curious!)

Bella: I’ll have to pay special attention to chapter eight! So, what made you decide to find a new cover? What did the process of finding that perfect new cover look like?

Elizabeth: I’ve actually been quietly thinking of making a new cover for a while now. I do love my original cover. There’s something special about it because it was the first book cover I’ve ever made. But I never felt like it fit Collector. The vital elements were there, but it just didn’t have the overall mood or feel of what was inside the book. I knew it needed a change, but I’ve been procrastinating designing a new cover for a while, just because I didn’t really know what I wanted. 

One day, I was playing around on Canva just to pass the time, and a book cover started to come together. I was super excited about it. Showed my parents, and they had some great feedback. I transferred to my design software and made those changes. I then showed my best friend/graphic designer, Marcella of DigitalMe Illustrations (IG: @digital_me_23). She loved the design but gave me some tips on how to make it better, and that’s exactly what happened. I had the cover designed in about a day. And not just Collector’s cover, but the next two book covers in the series, as well. 

So that is really exciting because this new cover gives prospective readers a glimpse as to what’s inside the book and the story that is going to be told. I love it! 

Bella: I’m so glad – the new cover looks so cool! Dystopians are one of my favorite genres, which is another reason Collector sounds so intriguing. Do you have a favorite genre to read and/or write?

Elizabeth: Yes!!! Dystopian all the way! That is my favorite! I read all sorts of genres and I have a wide variety of tastes when it comes to books, but there is nothing that excites me like dystopian! It’s also my favorite genre to write! I love them! 

Bella: Where do you want your writing to take you? If you could choose where you’ll be in 10-15 years, what do you hope your life will look like?

Elizabeth: I love this question and it’s something I think about often. Writing for me is more than just a hobby. It’s deeper than that; it’s a part of me. So I’ll never stop writing, and I hope that my writing takes me to a place where I can write, tell my stories, and live out the themes and lessons that I’ve woven into my words. 

In 10-15 years, I hope to still be running my publishing company with my mom, helping other authors tell their stories. That is a huge passion of mine – to write stories, yes, but I get equally excited when someone is finally reaching their dream because I remember what that feels like! It’s a huge blessing! 

Bella: That’s so beautiful, and it’s so evident in all that you do. I believe you can accomplish so many great things through your writing! What’s one thing you want readers to take away from Collector?

Elizabeth: That our faith is not just a church visit on Sunday. Our faith is not a social club that we’re part of. Our faith is not something we should turn on and off. Our faith has meaning and it has worth, and it is not something to be taken lightly. When we give our lives to God, we are giving our whole lives – every aspect. Salvation choosing to live eternally in fellowship with God, following the path He laid before us, even when that path goes in directions we don’t expect and aren’t prepared for. Choosing to live for Him is choosing to live for Him when it’s hard. Our faith is something that we should cling to until the end because He endured so much, first, because of His love for us. As Christians, we should be willing to do the same.

One verse that really captures what I try to convey in Collector is this: Our faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. (1 Peter 1:6-7)

Bella: So true, thank you. Lastly, and this is very important…what book is next on your TBR?

Elizabeth: Haha! I love this! The next book on my TBR is the 4th book in The Wingfeather Saga, The Warden and the Wolf King. We are reading this together every night as a family, and this is one book series that I cannot get enough of. I’ve laughed, cried, got angry, got happy – it takes you on a rollercoaster of emotion, for sure! I’m not prepared for book 4. I just know it!

Bella: Happy reading! And again, thank you so much for spending time with us here today. We’re so excited for your beautiful new cover release, and I wish you all the best on your writing endeavors! God bless!

Elizabeth: Thank you so much for having me! It’s been such a pleasure! I pray everyone who reads this will not only chase but catch their dreams… one sentence at a time!

About the Author

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who loved to scribble stories on scrap pieces of paper. Well, she grew up, forgot her love of words as Life took an unexpected turn, and didn’t find it again until she was thirteen years old. Two years later, after several failed attempts to finish her work-in-progress, she was inspired to completely change her story… and actually commit to writing. Thus, after seven long years, her debut novel, “Collector,” was born.

Her name is Elizabeth Mae Wolfram, an entrepreneur by day and an author/blogger by night. You can find out more by visiting: http://www.wolframwriting.com where Elizabeth offers a glimpse into the wonderfully difficult and exciting life of an author. She hopes to encourage readers and writers alike to not just chase, but catch their dreams… one sentence at a time!

CONNECT: www.wolframwriting.com | www.dhkcreations.com

Content Rating for Collector

Collector” faces several dark and difficult subjects, such as de*th, su*cide, e*thanasia, and v*olence of different natures. These subjects are addressed and mentioned due to the setting of the story. However, while the author addresses and portrays these subjects, they are never glorified, endorsed, or made light of. DHK Creations & Publications and Elizabeth Mae Wolfram aim to provide clean fiction devoid of explicit or graphic content.

If you have questions or would like to learn more:

Email: wolframwriting@outlook.com Or Contact: www.wolframwriting.com/contact

Have you read Collector yet? If not, does it sound like your kind of book? Don’t forget to check out Elizabeth’s blog for all of the information (plus some thought-provoking study questions for as you read). You can find her blog here, and while you’re at it, go follow here on Instagram here.

And to recap, you can now find Collector: Phoenix Edition at Amazon (here), or Barnes & Noble (here)! Happy reading, and thank you so much for supporting Elizabeth’s release!

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5 thoughts on ““Collector: Phoenix Edition” Launch Day (+ Interview With the Author)!

  1. Thank you so much for having me on the blog!!! It was such an honor and such a blast!!!! ❤️‍🔥

    -Elizabeth Mae Wolfram

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