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Twenty Years Older: A Letter Tag

Happy Friday!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve participated in a blog tag, so I was pretty excited to be tagged for this one by Kristianne, over at Whimsical Wanderings (you can check out her post here)!

Basically, the challenge given by this tag is to write a letter to your present self from yourself twenty years in the future. What advice would you give yourself? What would you remind yourself of? What do you think could have happened in your life up to that point?

At first I was a bit hesitant, but after reading some letters written by others participating in this tag, I’m actually really looking forward to it! What would I say to myself?

First of all, the rules:

And now, to jump right into it…

Dear younger, more immature, and far less experienced self,

As I look back over the past twenty years, the changes I see in you are startling. The things you’ve done, the places you’ve been, the relationships you’ve had…You’ve grown more than you ever thought you would. And though you still have so far to go (you’re only a year away from forty years on earth, which is practically eighty, which must mean more wisdom, right?), you’ve made progress. And you’re still making progress.

You used to be afraid. Afraid that you weren’t good enough. That you wouldn’t amount to anything. That you’d never impact others for Christ the way you wanted to. Well, the good news? You’re not afraid anymore. Do you still struggle with insecurities sometimes? Yes – after all, twenty years doesn’t make you any less human. But you’ve learned where your worth comes from and the value you hold simply because you’re you. You’ve learned to rest secure in your identity as God’s beloved child. And you’ve learned that you – yes you – have a special role to fill in God’s plan, and can influence others for good in your own unique way, with your own unique giftings.

For example, your writing (yes, I knew you’d want to ask about that). You’re not the next J. K. Rowling – not that that was ever your goal, I know – but you’ve kept writing and you’ve made a considerable dent in your still ever-growing list of future story ideas. And as you’ve continued to write and publish the stories you’re passionate about, you’ve been reaching others that are passionate about them too. The best parts are the messages you receive from people who’ve been touched, encouraged, inspired, or challenged by your stories. And the greatest feeling in the world is hearing that something you wrote brought someone closer to God. That’s why you’ve kept writing. And that’s why you can’t imagine stopping.

As for your other dreams and goals? Well, I’m still just as fond of surprising others as you are, so I’m not going to tell you the specifics (beg and plead if you must, but I’m not going to spoil you). Your longing for missions? Yes, it’s still there – and to your delight, you’re putting it to use. Your love of music? Still present, and though, no, you’re not on Broadway, you’ve grown far more comfortable using your voice for God’s glory, even while others are listening. You’ll also be glad to hear that you’ve finally made peace with your physical limits, and that you’ve learned how to take the best possible care of yourself, keeping prepared for anything God asks of you.

Most of all, I will tell you that the joy’s been in the journey. It still is. Every day is an adventure of its own, and – hallelujah! – you get to take it with Jesus at your side! If you remember nothing else from this letter, remember this: the most important thing you can ever do is trust God. Trust His plan. Trust His heart. Trust that He’s always working for the ultimate good of all who love Him. In the highs. In the heartaches. In the moments when you’re not even sure which direction is up anymore – He’s there.

Trust Him when He calls you to go – and just go. Trust Him when His calling isn’t for you to go, but to stay. Trust Him whether the person He’s asking you to reach out to is a dear friend, a total stranger, or someone you feel you can’t stand. Trust Him when you’re sick. When you’re healthy. When you think you know what’s ahead, and when everything you planned is thrown out the window. Bella, do you understand? There’s never been, nor will there ever be, a situation that you can’t trust Him in. He’ll carry you through. He’ll guide you down the right path. And He’ll continue to work in your heart – changing you, growing you, and helping you to become more and more like Jesus. Trust Him for that. Don’t ever let go of His hand. Keep looking up.

Someday you’ll look back and see how God used it all – every moment – for breathtaking good.

So keep running the race. Keep fighting the good fight. Keep knowing God and making Him known.

There’s so much in store for you, and I can’t wait for you to find out what it is. You’ve got an incredible twenty years ahead!

See you in two decades!

With love,
your older, more mature, and far more experienced self

P. S. Yes, your siblings still tease you for your height – or lack of it. But that’s okay.
You’ve learned not to let that bother you anymore, and can just respond with a smile.

P. P. S. …or by pointing out their wrinkles. That works, too.

P. P. P. S. I guess I’m not that much more mature than you.

Wow, I didn’t think I’d have so much fun writing that! Makes me wonder what twenty-year-older me would actually write to my present self…hmm. Thank you for sticking with me!

I’d like to nominate the following bloggers:

And YOU, if you are a blogger and would like to participate!

Once again, thank you for joining me today! I hope you enjoyed reading the letter as much as I enjoyed writing it (which is quite a bit).

I’d love to find out what YOU would write to yourself! Go ahead and let me know on your own blog, or in the comments below. I look forward to hearing from you!

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