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“What Makes Me Pick Up a Book” Tag

Happy Friday!

As you can probably guess at this point, this tag is another one I gleaned from KristinKravesBooks (with permission!). I’ve enjoyed thinking through all the fun and unique questions from her tags collection over the past couple months and this one is no exception.

As you read the questions, think of how you would answer them! I’d love to find out!

Do you judge a book by its cover?

. . . yes. I think we all do to some extent though, that’s why good covers are so important! A lot of the time, if I’m just browsing shelves of books, I skim for the covers that intrigue me and then go from there. It’s disappointing when the cover is amazing and the story isn’t.

Focusing just on a cover, what attracts you to pick it up?

Well, firstly, if it’s created by Kirk DouPonce. His covers are incredible every time! (Talk about an author bucket list item . . . to have one of your book covers designed by him.)

Otherwise, I think I have extremes with favorite covers. I either tend to like very detailed covers with pretty eye-catching colors and a dreamy quality to them, or very simple but dramatic covers with plenty of tension behind them.

Here are a bunch of my favorites:

Do you read the synopsis first, or prefer to go in knowing nothing about the book?

If it’s a book I’ve heard about, I don’t usually read the synopsis, I prefer to just hop in. If it’s completely new to me, I’ll usually skim the synopsis, but try to forget what I’ve read right afterward, as I don’t want anything to spoil the bigger plot points and some synopses do.

Do you have any auto-buy authors?

Just a couple! I have yet to be disappointed by any books by Nadine Brandes or Daniel Schwabauer, so when they have new releases I can be sure I’m going to really enjoy them, and I usually get them as soon as possible. Rosey Mucklestone, Khaled Hosseini, and Jill Williamson are honorable mentions for authors whose works I consistently enjoy.

Are you more likely to pick up a book if it has specific elements/themes?

For sure! Genre wise, intriguing dystopians will often win me over, as well as a light fantasy or fairytale retelling. And as far as themes and elements, I’m drawn to stories that feature redemption themes, faith, loyalty, humor, and a dramatic dosage of non-whiny angst.

I’m also a sucker for stories that include grumpy but lovable mentors, spunky and “overly optimistic because they’re hurting inside” protagonists, enemies forced to work together (think, hero and villain), amnesia, protagonists overcoming physical or mental challenges or disabilities, and classic “we’re going on an adventure” journeys.

Do you ever read a book that has generally negative reviews just to form your own opinion on it?

Yes, pretty often actually. Not if it’s a book that I’ve heard has content that I’m not comfortable reading, but if it’s negative reviews based on opinions and it sounds interesting to me otherwise, I like to give it a chance and form my own opinion. Sometimes I end up agreeing with the majority that it’s awful, and other times I find some good ones!

Do you ever buy a book just because another booktuber/blogger has talked about it a lot?

If it’s a booktuber/blogger that I trust and have similar bookish interests to, then yes. That’s where I get most of my recommendations from. I may not run out and buy it new right away (like I said, I don’t usually get brand new books), but I definitely add it to my list of ones to be on the lookout for.

Is there anyone whose book recommendations you always trust?

Mostly a few of my family and friends, as I know their book tastes pretty well and can safely assume I’ll like most of the same books that they do. Otherwise, there are also some fellow bloggers that I interact with on a regular basis and trust their bookish opinions. I love getting recommendations from friends!

Thanks for joining me in another bookish tag today! Let me know how you’d answer each of these questions, either on your own blog, or in the comments below! I look forward to hearing from you!

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