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The Spotify Wrapped Tag 2022

Happy Friday!

I’m getting back into a semi-regular routine of blogging with a fun music tag! I did this one last year (you can find it here), after mooching it from Maribeth Barber’s site, and am looking forward to sharing it again!

As I write this, I’ve got Christmas music playing (current song: Mary, Did You Know? by Straight No Chaser) and we can just ignore the fact that I started listening to Christmas tunes the day before Thanksgiving . . .

The Rules

The Questions

What was your #1 song of the year?

I listened to 2,206 songs this year, with my top song being Goodness of God by Remi Collins.

It’s a piano instrumental I listened to any time I needed to relax, was trying to sleep, or just needed some soothing background tunes.

Apparently I listened to it 148 times, and mostly on August 15, 2022…

…which actually makes complete sense now that I think about it, because I had a horrible migraine and was in bed almost that entire day.

That seems to be the theme in my listening habits this year, haha.

What were your other top songs of the year?

  1. Goodness of God by Remi Collins
  2. King of Kings by Maranatha! Instrumental
  3. Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) by Aretha Grant, Instrumental
  4. Hosanna – Piano Version by Aretha Grant, Instrumental
  5. Gracious Tempest by AcousticWorship

Again, a lot of soothing piano instrumentals of Christian songs. They’re so good!

Who was your top artist?

Are you sensing a theme yet?

I listened to 800 artists (oddly pleased with the exact number there, haha), and my top artist was Chillout Avenue, another piano soloist.

I listened to 667 minutes of their music, and was in their top 0.5% of listeners.

The song I listened to most of theirs was No Longer There.

Who are your top 5 artists?

  1. Chillout Avenue
  2. Gary Bayrakdarian
  3. Aretha Grant
  4. Chiara Attanasio
  5. Maranatha! Instrumental

More beautiful instrumental artists!

What were your top podcasts?

Apparently, I didn’t listen to any podcasts in 2022! I’m pretty positive that I listened to an episode here and there of random writing, Christian, and health podcasts, but I’m not surprised it wasn’t enough to count. That might be something I do more of in 2023 – I’ve received so many recommendations recently!

My morning started with…

Joyful Melancholy Positive! This makes me laugh with its accuracy, specifically the addition of melancholy between joyful and positive. Can’t be too chipper in the morning, you know. Got to have some healthy dose of realism mixed in with the joy.

I seized the day with…

Suspense Tense Mystical! This is also accurate! My writing time usually happens on my day/s off, in the middle of the day, and I’ve been listening to a lot of pirate and Skyrim instrumentals, and Gaelic music lately.

I embraced the night with…

Chill Love Relaxing . . . yup, this is where all those Christian instrumentals come in. The word love is probably thrown in there thanks to some random love songs, haha. Some nights when I’m feeling sappy, I’ll send my fiancé a sweet song that reminds me of us.

How many minutes did you spend listening to Spotify?

I listened to 63,251 minutes of music this year! Apparently that’s more than 95% of other listeners in the United States.

Not sure if that’s something to be pleased about or not, haha.

What kind of listener are you?

According to Spotify, my listener personality is The Maverick, which sums it up pretty well! I don’t listen to very many ‘popular’ songs, not that there’s anything wrong with them, my tastes just usually lie elsewhere.

Apparently I prize exploration, timelessness, loyalty, and uniqueness.

How many genres did you listen to this year? 

27! Slightly less than last year, but there’s still quite a bit of variety in my usual playlists.

What are your top genres?

  1. Broadway
  2. CCM (Contemporary Christian Music)
  3. Piano Worship
  4. Scorecore (film/game soundtracks)
  5. LDS (Latter Day Saints? This one surprised me, as I have no idea where this came from. I wonder which of my songs are included in that genre).

Thanks for joining me for this fun tag! I’ve really enjoyed answering these musical questions, and would love to hear your answers! If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged (and feel free to adapt the questions for your situation)!

So, what have YOU been listening to this year? What are some of your favorite songs? I’d love to hear from you, so let me know your thoughts on your own blog, or in the comments below!

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