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The Bookworm’s Tag

Happy Friday!

So much time and so few tag nominations! No wait – strike that. Reverse it.

Kind of, haha.

Yes, I’ve been nominated for another blog tag, and as I am definitely a bookworm, it looks like a great one!

First off, the rules:

Here is the tag graphic!

And now onto the questions!

What’s a book that reminds you of your childhood?

Oh, there are so many! Between my parents reading to me and my own trips to the library, I devoured so many books in my childhood. However, one that I reread a lot when I was younger is Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. I’ve always preferred books that make me feel deeply, and that was definitely one that did! It’s continued to stick with me.

What’s the longest book you’ve ever read?

The Bible, definitely! I believe I’ve read it from beginning to end twice now. Other than that, I think about 500 pages is the most I’ve read in a single book. The Help by Kathryn Stockett was the most recent one that came close, at 464 pages. Provided I actually care for the characters and writing style, I enjoy reading long stories – even when they take me a while.

Who’s one of your favorite characters?

Wow, I don’t think I can answer that one. I have so many favorite characters, and I adore them all for numerous reasons. In general, if the character has a combination of past hurts and emotional scars, a witty sense of humor, a solidly good heart, and fierce loyalty to their family/friends, then I will adopt them into my mental ‘beloved characters’ hall of fame.

How often do you read non-fiction vs fiction?

The past couple of years, I’ve read way more non-fiction than fiction. Before that however, I read almost exclusively fiction. It tends to come and go in bursts, depending on what I have laying around and also if I’m writing a lot of my own fiction at the time. Too many stories in my head at once tends to be overwhelming. Right now, I have a pretty good mix of both.

What’s the most important thing you look for in a good book?

This is a toss-up between good themes and good characters. Typically the characters are what I look at right away. If they’re realistic and easy to care about, I’ll keep reading. But if there hasn’t been anything good taught by the end of the story (or worse, something bad), I’m not going to recommend it to others, even if the characters were incredibly written.

Do you judge a book by its cover?

I hate to admit it, but yes. If it’s a book that I’ve already heard is good and I want to read it, then I will – no matter what the cover looks like. And similarly, if it has a great cover, but it’s not material I’m comfortable with or interested in, I still won’t read it. But when I’m flipping through books at a library or store, books with catchy covers are the ones I’ll look into first.

What’s your preferred method of enjoying a story? Ebook, paper book, audiobook, etc.?

As paperbacks, definitely. I still enjoy reading ebooks or listening to audiobooks, especially if I’m low on space, but there’s just something about holding a paperback…flipping real pages, physically marking my place, smelling the ink and feeling the cover…I may be weird, but walking into a library and seeing the shelves of paperbacks makes me so happy, haha.

Do songs remind you of certain books? If so, what book and what song was it?

Not most of the time, since I don’t usually listen to music while reading, but occasionally I’ll hear a song that makes me think of a book I recently read. Even with my own books, it’s usually pretty hard to find songs (with words) that fit well. That said, ‘Glow in the Dark by Jason Gray is informally Cabin Girl‘s anthem. And it’s just one of my favorite songs, period.

What is one of the most memorable lessons a fiction book has ever taught you?

Everyone has a story. There isn’t one specific book I remember learning this from, but I just keep being reminded of it with good fiction in general. Everyone is the protagonist in their own lives. Everyone has a backstory. Each and every person has memories, dreams, ideas, thoughts, emotions, fears, passions, and most importantly – a God-given plan for their lives.

What is one of the best fiction books you’ve read in the past year?

Blank Mastermind by Rosey Mucklestone. I ended up reading this entire (343-page) novel in one day. I’m not even usually a contemporary/superhero fiction reader, but man…the snarky and nuanced main character, the realistic and lovable side characters, the powerful message, the humor, the plot twists…just everything was incredible. I highly recommend it.

These have been such fun questions to answer! Thanks for sticking around to read them, and thanks again to Vanessa for coming up with them!

I’d like to nominate the following bloggers to join if they’d like:

1. Kristianne Hassman @ Whimsical Wanderings
2. Jordyn Hadden @ Indie Edits by J
3. Kristina Hall
4. Raina Nightingale @ Enthralled By Love
5. R. M. Archer @ Scribes & Archers
(And YOU, if you’re a blogger!)

And here are my questions:

1. What was the last book you read, and would you recommend it? Why or why not?
2. What’s your favorite genre to read?
3. What’s one standalone book you wish had a sequel?
4. What’s one series you wish had been left as a standalone?
5. Do you prefer short chapters or long ones?
6. Which book have you reread the most?
7. What’s the first book you remember reading?
8. What time of day do you prefer to read?
9. Which character/s do you relate to most?
10. What plot twist did you never see coming?

Once again, thank you for joining me today! I really enjoyed answering these questions, and I hope you enjoyed reading through them as well.

I’d love to find out how YOU would answer these questions! Let me know on your own blog, or in the comments below. I look forward to hearing from you!

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