17 Helpful Websites For Writers

Hello and happy Wednesday!

Have you ever needed advice?

For the sake of this post, let’s narrow it down to writing advice. Have you ever wondered what to do when you’re stuck in the middle of your story, how to develop strong writing habits, or which techniques for outlining or editing your story are most helpful?

Where do you go? Who do you typically turn to for those answers?

Writing is an incredible pursuit for many reasons, and one reason is that there’s not only one right way to write. What works best for one author may not work best for another, and one writer’s style is not going to be the same as other writers. And that’s okay! That’s where we get the amazing variety in the stories circulating the world today, and I think that’s such a blessing. God’s given us all different strengths, styles of writing, and stories to tell.

With that, I always cherish the opportunity to learn from other authors. In areas where I struggle, I can find help figuring out what works well for me and my stories. And in areas that I think I’m stronger in, I can always find additional tips, tricks, and thoughtful advice that help me understand those areas of writing even better.

In addition to the writing classes, courses, conferences, and books that I’ve absorbed, I’ve also learned a lot through some writing-focused websites. Their posts on everything from developing character voices to fine-tuning action scenes (and so much more!) have proven invaluable to me more times than I can count.

So today, I thought I’d share sixteen of my favorite websites and/or blogs for writers with you (just click their name to explore them)! I hope that they may encourage, inspire, and help you in the areas where you’re seeking advice, and I’d love to hear about your favorite writing resources as well!

Abbie Emmons

Abbie Emmons, YA author of 100 Days of Sunlight, has written a lot of articles regarding writing and productivity, as well as insights and tips into every aspect of indie publishing. I’ve enjoyed her friendly and honest writing style, and have often found that one piece of information I needed to break through a tricky spot in my story. She also posts weekly writing videos on her YouTube Channel!

A Writer’s Path

Once again, this site is home to hundreds of writing-related posts…from goal-setting tips, to things to consider before choosing character names, to advice for using plot devices like time-travel and fight scenes in your story. Though I haven’t read them all, haha, I’ve found their articles to be very helpful and thoughtfully written, and would definitely recommend checking out their blog.

Bryn Donovan

Not only does Bryn Donovan’s blog contain very helpful writing posts – such as how to write a synopsis, and some good examples of writing internal conflict – but her site also contains hundreds of writing prompts, historical and character name information (especially regarding European countries), and lists of publishers open to manuscript submissions. In addition, she’s also compiled extremely helpful lists of things like facial expressions, ways to describe pain, and physical descriptions.

Fiction University

This site is run by Janice Hardy, author of several well-acclaimed nonfiction (writing) and fiction books, and it has one of the largest libraries of writing advice posts I’ve ever found. In every category – from developing your novel to writing it to publishing it – you can read through dozens upon dozens of related articles. I wish I had time to read them all, but the many I have read have been extremely helpful for various aspects of my writing journey!

Go Teen Writers

This is a fantastic website, run by authors Stephanie Morrill, Jill Williamson, and Shannon Dittemore, and specifically aimed toward – you guessed it – teen writers. They have an extensive blog covering many writing topics, a collection of free downloads, and a YouTube channel, as well as two published books on writing and editing your novel. The authors are extremely sweet and encouraging, and their writing advice has been such a blessing!

Happy When Writing

This site, run by Madeline Bartson, was just recently brought to my attention – and I’m very glad! Though I haven’t managed to read too many of her posts yet, she has quite the collection of well-written articles on a broad range of writing-focused topics, and I’ve greatly enjoyed the ones I’ve read so far. You should go visit and see what you think!

Helping Writers Become Authors

Award-winning author, K. M. Weiland, runs this site, and I can’t recommend it highly enough! She has a vast library of blog posts on all sorts of writing topics – like the ones she’s doing now about Story Archetypes, extremely helpful freebie books, information on her published books (both fiction and nonfiction), and recommendations for resources writers may need. I’m very grateful for this site, and all the information I’ve gleaned from it!

Julia’s Creative Corner

Run by Julia Herkel, this is yet another fantastic site at which to find writing advice. I greatly appreciate her encouraging, honest, and insightful posts about all things writing, and also have enjoyed her well-written freebies, haha. No matter which of her articles I read, Julia always manages to leave me thinking deeply and newly inspired to work on my novels. Go ahead and head over – I bet it’ll do the same for you!

Kingdom Pen

With the goal of helping Christian authors tell stories that aren’t cliché, preachy, or dull – but instead captivating, powerful, and deep – Kingdom Pen is one of my very favorite writing sites. They’re passionate about helping authors grow in their craft, and in addition to extensive, well-written blog posts, they also share writing submissions by other talented authors they want to share with the world. For ongoing support and advice, you can apply to join their writing forum, too! I absolutely recommend you go check them out!

(I actually just received the blessing of getting to guest-post on their site last Friday! You can find my post, How Do You Know When You’re a Real Writer?, here.)

Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins, author of the Left Behind series (and many other fiction books), has filled his website with a huge amount of helpful writing posts, and time and time again I’ve found breakthroughs in my current projects from his information. With advice on outlining, writing, editing, writing habits, and publishing, and recommendations/reviews for all his favorite writing tools, this is definitely a site worth exploring. What are you waiting for?

Pro Story Builders

Run by talented author and blogger, Lauryn Trimmer, this site has proven helpful to me countless times in my writing process. Her blog has articles on overcoming jealousy of other writers, avoiding clichés, how to create solid story goals, and much more, as well as free download on how to create better characters. I highly recommend checking out her resources!

Scribes & Archers

This site is run by R. M. Archer, author of Peter Pan retelling Lost Girl (as well as other fiction works), and talented blogger and editor. On her site, you can find plenty of fascinating and inspiring blog posts – like her current Enneagram Writers series, fifteen short stories to read for free, information about her published and upcoming books, and even an editing service where you can hire her to edit your story! I highly recommend you check it out for yourself.

Story Embers

Story Embers is a site run by Christian authors whose mission is to inspire and empower others to write stories that are raw and real, and that touch others deeply. They have a blog full of incredibly insightful writing posts on many topics, a podcast, collections of submitted stories and poetry, and even a forum for writers to join. I have yet to not be moved by the care and prayer they put into each and every article. Go explore!

Teen Writers Nook

This site was created and is still run by three teen authors passionate about helping other young authors grow and thrive in their own writing journeys. As a result, they have a large library of helpful and encouraging posts, as well as guest posts, about just about every writing topic you can think of. If you’re a young writer, check them out! You won’t regret it.

The Write Practice

I just recently discovered this site, but as I’ve been working through the library of writing advice posts, I knew I had to include it in this list. While I haven’t read too many of them yet, there’s a huge number of posts on many different writing topics – and so far they’ve all been very helpful. In addition, you can check out their list of great resources for writers, where they recommend their favorite writing software, courses, and books. Check them out!

Wanderer’s Pen

Here is yet another site with an enormous collection of writing posts! From tips on worldbuilding to character development to editing to short stories – as well as some fascinating dissections of popular books and movies, there’s enough helpful content here to keep you busy for quite a while. In addition, the author, Victoria Grace Howell, has since moved to her new site here, and though there’s not nearly as much on there, if you enjoy learning about story from movies or games, there may be some content for you too!

Wild Writing Dreams

This is one of the most recent sites I discovered – and I’m so glad I did! Currently, I’m working through her collection of insightful and well-thought-out posts about writing and enjoying every one. From crafting sibling relationships to writing emotional dialogue, Mary has some fantastic tips for improving a story. I highly suggest you check out her blog!

And because I can’t help myself, here are a few honorary mentions. They’re not purely writing-focused, so don’t have quite as many writing advice posts, but I enjoy them very much and have found them quite insightful. I’d love for you to check them out!

Books by S. R.

This site is run by Savanna Roberts, talented author of the Robin-Hood retelling novel Thief (the first of a series), and a handful of other fiction works. On her blog you can find book reviews, writing tips, and publishing advice – and I’m currently enjoying her Prepping for Publication blog post series. I highly recommend her writing!

Julia Witmer

I first met Julia Witmer, author of A Wilted Willow, shortly before she launched her book last December, and have greatly enjoyed reading her reflective and inspirational posts since. On her blog, you can find writing tips, snippets of her own works, prayers, reviews for books and movies, and stories about her life as a MK (missionary kid). You should definitely go check out her content!

Joyful, Thankful, Blessed

This blog is run and written by S. J. Wunderlin, a very talented author and a dear friend who posts weekly with her thoughts, insights, and research into how to live a life that glorifies God and impacts others for the better. I look forward to her posts every Monday, and definitely recommend checking out her site! 2

Whimsical Wanderings

I’ve been very blessed by the sweet, helpful, and thoughtful posts Kristianne puts out on this website. From her book reviews, to her writing tips, to her stories of life as a MK (missionary kid), I’ve yet to read a post of hers that hasn’t touched or encouraged me in some way. You should absolutely go visit her!

Vision Center

This site isn’t directly related to writing, but this post in particular is an excellent reminder that we as writers need to take our health seriously. Our eyes especially are one of our most valuable tools. There is some great information and many insights into taking proper care of our heart and eye health. So if you’re interested in learning more, I’d recommend checking it out!

Well, those are a few (actually twenty-one) of my favorite sites and blogs for writers! Each and every single one of them has taught me a lot about writing and I’m so thankful to have discovered them. I hope they’re as much of a help, encouragement, and inspiration for you as much as they have been for me!

What are some of YOUR favorite writing advice blogs or websites – and why? I’d love to find out! Go ahead and comment your favorites below, and I look forward to seeing them!

1.I was so grateful to have Julia guest-post on my site here, as well as receive a chance to guest-post on her site here. I also did a review of her book, A Wilted Willow, here.

2. Sierra blessed me by posting on my site – about Quality Time – here, and I was thrilled to get to guest-post on her site about abiding in Christ here.

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13 thoughts on “17 Helpful Websites For Writers

  1. Thank you SO much for the honorary mention and your sweet words, Bella!! It’s been wonderful getting to know you and following your writing journey over the past few months. And your blog posts have been such a blessing and encouragement to me as well! <3
    These are some great recommendations, and I have benefited from many of these blogs in the past! I will definitely be checking out some of the other ones I haven't heard of. There are so many talented writers out there!
    Thank you for putting this together!

    1. Well of course, friend <3 Your blog has been such a blessing to me! And thank you SO much!
      Yes there are! I hope you find those blogs as helpful as I do! 🙂

  2. Wow, thank you SO MUCH for putting me on this list and for your kind words!! ☺️ This totally made my day.
    I absolutely love these blogs, although there are a few that I’ve never seen, so I will definitely be checking them out now! 😄

  3. Thank you so much for the mention! I’m honored to be in the company of so many great blogs. 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for these recommendations, I shall certainly have to check a bunch of them out! And I’m so honored to have made it on your list. Thank you! And since you asked, 😉 one of my very favorite bloggers/authors is E.G. Bella! 😉 I always look forward to your posts, whether they are on writing advice, spiritual insights, inspiring quotes, looks into Cabin Girl, and more! You are very talented and I have know doubt God is using you and your writing in amazing ways! 🙂

    1. Of course – I always look forward to your posts! 🙂 And I’m glad some of these sites look helpful to you!
      Oh my goodness, you just made my day, haha 😉 Thank you very much!

  5. I’m honored to have made it on this awesome list! Thanks for the post in general – I’ve heard of many of these, but certainly not all. I’ll be checking these out very soon!

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